u mean eggs will override pythonpath? that's bullshit!
one more reasone for me to hate eggs... be them cockroach' or python 

> as I have like 12 different SA directories which id like to jump
> between without going through a distinct install for each one, im a
> big fan of PYTHONPATH, and after futile-ly arguing with PJE that
> plain libraries on PYTHONPATH should take precedence over installed
> ".eggs" (he strongly feels that .eggs take precedence in all cases,
> although others agree with me), I hacked my Python install to work
> the way i wanted it:
> put a file "aaaa-pythonpath.pth" into your site_packages folder:
> import os, sys; sys.__egginsert=len(os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH',
> '').split(os.pathsep));
duly noted for future usage _when_ i meet an egg.

Here i have 4 SA installs, and switch them by re-pointing a symbolic 
link in the global site-packages/. Which would not be possble if the 
machine was shared - or i was using SA for something else that should 
not break.

> if people are interested in more organized petitioning of PJE to
> change his mind on this behavior, sign me up.  generally people
> seem to be unaware of it.  I challenged him to name *any* scenario
> where an administrator would want a local-environment-based
> PYTHONPATH to be overridden by an application-wide configuration
> and he didnt reply to that one.  he sees it as a "if youre using
> .eggs, then you must accept that PYTHONPATH only points to
> installation directories, not runtime directories"...so basically
> breaking PYTHONPATH's documented behavior into something repurposed
> is by design.

hell, The whole idea of 
having /home/my/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin 
in this order in the path is exactly that: so more-local behavior can 
override more-global one (e.g. my own ls script overrides the 
me-installed new-version /usr/local/ one which overrides the global 
old-version /usr/bin/ which overrides the simplistic /bin one...

if he wants such behaviour, let him add a switch that force-ignores 
PYTHONPATH or whatever other env-vars, and let the default stuff in 
piece; all other reasonable apps behave this way.


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