Hi michael,

2007/7/24, michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello Christophe,
> If I am reading you intent (and forgive me if I am wrong), you would
> like to have one backup/restore routine for the same schema but on a
> variety of databases.


> And, you want the user to be responsible for
> doing both actions.

More precisely, I want to be able to provide a tool the user which
allow him to do it with minimal knowledge.

> Your references to "universal dump format" and "common backup format"
> point sqarely at a flat file; which can sometimes be
> [tab|space|comma|pipe|etc] delimited. Since you said that your
> databases will be small, text is truly universal.  It does not require
> python or any scripting language and can easily be viewable in any text
> editor.  As a side note, I have found pipe delimited to be the least
> troublesome when moving between databases that have user-input data.

Agree on the flat file. A Zipped Archive of flat files would do the
trick I guess.

What I found interesting with pytable is the high accessibility of the
data, even in a compressed file. This would make easier the
implementation of a partial restore. But this is just an idea I'm
throwing, maybe I'm totally wrong on what pytables would bring.

> The first thing that comes to mind is that there should probably
> already be an automated backup scheduled.  Users will forget and when a
> restore is needed, they will want fresh data.
> Each database has their own export-to-text command and each has their
> own import-from-text command; and related syntax. This can be triggered
> with cron for all unixes; On Windows, MSSQL has its own scheduler.   (Of
> course, one could also have a button do the same thing, in *addition* to
> routine backups.)

I agree, but that's almost orthogonal with what I have in mind. What
you suggest is what should be done by a descent admin or consultant
who is installing the software.

I have two real-life cases which are not covered by this approach :

1) My 'packaging team' prepares demonstrations databases as well as
ready-to-start ones. I want those databases to be accessible on our
website, easily choosable (idealy without having to know which
database server is used), and easily usable from within my app.

2) A user call the support team, and the problem seems to come from
bizarre datas in the database. I want the user (if he has the rights)
to be able to save his datas, attach them to an email and send it to
the support (or post it on a support form on the website).

> Are you asking for features in SA to handle scheduled backups and
> user initiated restores?

No. What I'd like to do is to provide facilities for dumping and
restoring a complete db. And I'd like this to work if to db with
different engines have (almost) the same schema.
This is a bit the same with migrate which is providing engine-agnostic
api for shema modifications.

One could easily, for e.g. build a sadump tool on top of this tool, or
a database manager tool for a particular application (this is what I
intend to do).

All this is 'just a thought' for now, but motivated by an actual future need.


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