On May 23, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Brandon Goldfedder wrote:

> All,
> Perhaps someone can help me here since I am in that 'bad place' where
> I am retrying things again and getting deeper than I want into it.
> I am trying to create a database (using elixir model although the
> problem appears to be in sqlalchemy so asking here) in Oracle
> Express.
> The problem I think is that the table names I am using exist in other
> schemas.
> Before I set schema and owner I was getting the ORA-00942 error which
> I think was that it was finding the table names in other schemas and
> attempting to use them in the foreign key reference.
> Now, I am passing both schema and owner explictly for the table
> (using_table_options(schema='cram',owner='cram')) and I now get:

dont use "owner", its deprecated.  "schema" is all you need.

To continue here, you'd have to show us what your Table definitions  
look like.  It seems like you just arent sending the correct  
identifier to your ForeignKey constructs (for a table with an explicit  
"schema" attribute, they should be:   
ForeignKey("schemaname.tablename.colname") ).

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