Great - that handles the create_all(checkfirst issue)
Any fix for the ix_ table name taking into account Oracle name limits
in schema.py?


On May 24, 7:37 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thank you , this was an old ticket #709 and is fixed in r4814 of the  
> 0.4 branch and r4813 of trunk.   remove the usage of "owner", it is  
> synonymous with "schema" (as it is in oracle itself 
> -http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_schema_components_owner_user.htm
>   ) , as well as all the other hacks.
> On May 24, 2008, at 6:34 PM, Brandon Goldfedder wrote:
> > MIchael,
> > Thanks for your help on this - I agree I want to get beyond a mess
> > here regardless if it is 'working' ....
> > Here are 3 tables that demostrate the issues (with the changes I
> > needed to do use_alter, modify schema.py, hardcode in schema name to
> > ForeignKey and tables). I want the model file below to work regardless
> > of the database target (so the schema cram and Oracle target need to
> > be separated)
> > The problem is that there is already a table in another schema called
> > 'app_user' and 'facility' so check tables is finding them...
> > Also - you will note the ForeignKey generates an invalid ix_* index
> > for Oracle so I needed to modify schema.py until I get around to
> > setting index=False and manually creating Index'es
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > #
> > # Copyright (c) 2008 Digital Innovation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
> > #
> > #   The information and source code contained herein is the exclusive
> > property of
> > #   Digital Innovation Inc (dicorp) and may not be disclosed,
> > examined, or
> > #   reproduced in whole or in part without the explicit written
> > authorization from dicorp.
> > #
> > #
> > from datetime import datetime
> > from elixir import Entity, Field, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany,
> > has_field, belongs_to
> > from elixir import options_defaults, using_options, setup_all,
> > using_table_options
> > from elixir import String, Unicode, Integer, DateTime, SmallInteger,
> > Boolean, Text, Binary, Float
> > options_defaults['table_options'] = {'schema':'cram','owner':'cram'}
> > from sqlalchemy import Sequence, CheckConstraint, Index,
> > ForeignKeyConstraint, ForeignKey, schema
> > class Facility(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='facility')
> >    #using_table_options(schema='cram',owner='cram')
> >    control_number = Field(Integer,
> > Sequence('facility_control_number_seq'), primary_key = True,
> > autoincrement = True, nullable = False)
> >    id = Field(String(20), nullable = False)
> >    name = Field(String(50), nullable = False)
> >    description = Field(String(255), nullable = True)
> >    url = Field(String(255), nullable = True)
> >    type_link = Field(Integer, CheckConstraint('type_link >= 0'),
> > nullable = False)
> >    #TODO: UNIQUE Index IdUniqueKey
> > class PropertyItem(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='property_item')
> >    #using_table_options(schema='cram',owner='cram')
> >    control_number = Field(Integer, Sequence('property_item_cn_seq'),
> > primary_key = True, autoincrement = True, nullable = False)
> >    created_by = Field(Integer,
> > ForeignKey('cram.app_user.control_number', name =
> > 'property_item_created_by_fk', use_alter = False), nullable = True,
> > index = True)  #Link field for link CreatedBy
> >    created_when = Field(DateTime, nullable = True)
> >    modified_by = Field(Integer,
> > ForeignKey('cram.app_user.control_number', name =
> > 'property_item_modified_by_fk', use_alter = False), nullable = True,
> > index = True)  #Link field for link ModifiedBy
> >    modified_when = Field(DateTime, nullable = True)
> >    property_profile_link = Field(Integer,
> > ForeignKey('cram.property_profile.control_number', name =
> > 'property_item_3_fk', use_alter = False), nullable = False, index =
> > True)  #Link field for link PropertyProfileLink
> >    code = Field(String(50), nullable = False)
> >    description = Field(String(50), nullable = True)
> >    sort_order = Field(SmallInteger, CheckConstraint('sort_order >=
> > 0'), nullable = True)
> >    disabled = Field(Boolean, nullable = True)
> > class PropertyProfile(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='property_profile')
> >    #using_table_options(schema='cram',owner='cram')
> >    control_number = Field(Integer,
> > Sequence('property_profile_cn_seq'), primary_key = True, autoincrement
> > = True, nullable = False)
> >    primary_facility_link = Field(Integer,
> > ForeignKey('cram.facility.control_number', name =
> > 'property_profile_1_fk', use_alter = False), nullable = True, index =
> > True)  #Link field for link PrimaryFacilityLink
> >    created_by = Field(Integer,
> > ForeignKey('cram.app_user.control_number', name =
> > 'property_profile_created_by_fk', use_alter = False), nullable = True,
> > index = True)  #Link field for link CreatedBy
> >    created_when = Field(DateTime, nullable = True)
> >    modified_by = Field(Integer,
> > ForeignKey('cram.app_user.control_number', name =
> > 'property_profile_3_fk', use_alter = False), nullable = True, index =
> > True)  #Link field for link ModifiedBy
> >    modified_when = Field(DateTime, nullable = True)
> >    name = Field(String(50), nullable = False)
> >    description = Field(String(255), nullable = True)
> >    active = Field(Boolean, nullable = True)
> > class AppUser(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='app_user')
> >    #using_table_options(schema='cram',owner='cram')
> >    control_number = Field(Integer,
> > Sequence('app_user_control_number_seq'), primary_key = True,
> > autoincrement = True, nullable = False)
> >    primary_facility_link = Field(Integer,
> > ForeignKey('cram.facility.control_number', name = 'app_user_1_fk',
> > use_alter = False), nullable = True, index = True)  #Link field for
> > link PrimaryFacilityLink
> >    id = Field(String(20), nullable = False)
> >    name = Field(String(50), nullable = False)
> >    description = Field(String(255), nullable = True)
> >    url = Field(String(255), nullable = True)
> >    email_address = Field(String(255), nullable = True)
> >    expiration_date = Field(DateTime, nullable = True)
> >    password = Field(String(40), nullable = False)
> >    disabled = Field(Boolean, nullable = True)
> >    #TODO: UNIQUE Index IdUniqueKey
> > setup_all()
> > create_all(checkfirst=False)
> > On May 24, 9:57 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On May 23, 2008, at 10:02 PM, Brandon Goldfedder wrote:
> >>> Michael,
> >>> Yes - that is what I am doing now :
> >>> ForeignKey("schemaname.tablename.colname")
> >>> and I have things working. (see example 3).
> >>> My problem is these steps
> >>> seem really ugly and a lot more work than it should be to get things
> >>> working portably and reliably - thus my question on if this is best
> >>> practice or not.
> >> no, what you had there is crazy.  send an example case (just the  
> >> plain
> >> tables and their relationships, none of the "extra" stuff you did) so
> >> we can fully see what you'd like to achieve.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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