the func. call is a SQL expression which can't be bound to a bind  
parameter.  that has to stay in the values() clause.  e.g.
        table.insert().values(location=f, id=97).execute(), or


if you wanted everything inside of 'f' to be bound:

bindparam('b')).execute(id=97, a='POINT(2,3)', b=4326).

Also I've built an ORM extension for postgis which is incomplete but  
demonstrates how to round trip and create PostGIS expressions in a  
clean way, thats in the distribution in examples/postgis/ .

On Feb 20, 2009, at 4:03 PM, quaker4lyf wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to query, insert, update and delete from already existing
> PostGIS tables.
> After much trial and error, nothing worked. Then I came across this
> message:
> Following that, I've confirmed that the following works:
> f = func.GeomFromText('POINT(-118.0 34.0)',4326)
> ins = tbl_test.insert().values(id=97, location=f)
> conn = engine.connect()
> trans = conn.begin()
> conn.execute(ins)
> trans.commit()
> conn.close()
> which is nice, but I like to work with connectionless or implicit
> execution (as described in SQLAlchemy 0.5.3 Documentation). So I
> tried:
> tbl_test.insert().execute(id=42, location=f)
> but it doesn't work. The error returned was:
> sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) can't adapt
> 'INSERT INTO tbl_test (id, location) VALUES (%(id)s, %(location)
> s)' {'id': 42, 'location': <sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Function at
> 0x830dd8c; GeomFromText>}
> So I suspect this has to do with how slqalchemy understands my table
> schema?
> I currently am declaring the table as
> tbl_test = Table('tbl_test', self.metadata, Column('event_id',
> Integer), Column('location', Geometry(2, 4326), nullable=False))
> where Geometry is copied and pasted from some post found using Google:
> class Geometry(TypeEngine):
>    """Base PostGIS Geometry column type"""
>    name = 'GEOMETRY'
>    def __init__(self, dimension, srid=-1):
>        self.dimension = dimension
>        self.srid = srid
>    def bind_processor(self, dialect):
>        def process(value):
>            return value
>        return process
>    def result_processor(self, dialect): #not used yet
>        def process(value):
>                return value
>        return process
> Can anyone help? According to Michael Bayer in that old post, the
> connectionless statement should work.
> Thank you
> >

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