>> Do you know if anyone is working on a PostGIS extension for
>> SQLAlchemy?  If not, I'd like to take a crack at it.
> My suggestions regarding this are of course building off of the
> postgis.py example, and also perhaps, if its feasable (not sure if it
> is), building the whole thing as a plugin to GeoDjango, which works
> with many different databases besides Postgres, and seems to have a
> lot of non-django-specific functionality.   If the Django ORM bindings
> in GeoDjango could be replaced with SQLAlchemy bindings in an
> efficient way (where effiicient means, we're not taking Django ORM
> constructs and then translating to SQLA), we could leverage all the
> work they've done.

Hmm.  I was hoping I could add geospatial support to SQLAlchemy itself
rather than for a specific web framework.

I think GeoDjango wraps the geospatial C++ libraries (GDAL, GEOS,
PROJ) with PostGIS but otherwise most of the core functionality seems
to be in the geospatial C++ libraries.

I have also been tinkering with Alessandro Furieri's Spatialite for
SQLite3 and I think it would be a real boon if one could add
geospatial support to SQLAlchemy via Spatialite as well as PostGIS.

You are saying that we can save work by writing it as a plugin to
GeoDjango, but I really like Pylons.  Certainly, I can start with the
postgis.py example and use the GeoDjango API and MapFish API as
references.  The MapFish community seems to have integrated PostGIS
with Pylons already and maybe I can ask them how they feel about a
geospatial extension for SQLAlchemy?

We have a need for this at the lab because most of our custom desktop
GIS applications use SQLite and SQLAlchemy seems like a great way to
glue them all together.

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