Downey, Shawn wrote:

I am trying to overcome the attitude of:

"If SQLite is as good as you say, then why is it free?"


"If anyone can see the source code, then won't we be venerable to

Hi, I hope I may be of assistance in this area. I own my own company and we use exclusively open source stuff for ourselves and clients. We went thought those questions too. What you must have them understand is that just because its open source and free, doesn't mean its of low quality. You see open source projects, ones like SQLite have many people working on them and looking the source over. As a result of this you get a high quality yet, free project. The more people that look at the source and stuff, the more of a bug free/exploit free product you end up with. The bugs that do exist also tend to be discovered quickly and fixed rather quickly. Of course there is always encryption if you're that worried. Also if SQLite worked for you guys before then why change? As some else mentioned, MS SQL is a full rdbms and SQLite is embedded. On a more opinion side of things I condemn anything made by MS, by default anyhow. Oh, as far as vulnerability to hackers goes, that depends on how well the project is run, if they fix bugs quickly and such then you need not be to worried. Also depends on how its built, do they build it in a manner that doesn't present vulnerabilities. I would recommend encryption though if you're really worried.

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