On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 03:10:02PM +0100, Sven L scratched on the wall:
> Does this trick work on the primary key? If not, why?

  Yes, all the time.
  Defining a column as a PK automatically creates a UNIQUE index
  over that column.  The only exception is when the column is an
  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, in which case the column becomes the rowid and
  uses the table's native index.  In that case, to achieve the same
  result, one would need to manually create an index, as Max outlines

  In addition to fast counts, this setup is also very good for
  equi-joins, which tend to be somewhat common in most database
  designs.  (An equi-join is when you join table A to table B only for
  the purpose of filtering rows in A, and don't actually return any
  values from B as part of the result set.)

  Because of the way SQLite works internally, there are also tricks
  of creating indexes with "extra" columns.  For example, if you have
  a table with 23 columns, but you mostly use the PK and two additional
  columns, you can create an index over just those tree columns.  This
  will generally result in faster access to those two columns (for
  reasons that take several pages to explain).  Of course, even better
  would be to break things up into a primary and detail table, but
  that's a design consideration.

  Just beware that all of these indexes come at a cost.  If you
  database is strongly read dominated, you might consider some of these
  techniques.  On the other hand, if you're more or less read/write
  mixed, or write dominated, these techniques will cause an overall
  performance drop.  Indexes can be useful for reads, but they always
  come at a write (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) cost.


> > Returning to the original topic, for performance reasons I sometimes
> > recommend using an index created on the id/rowid. It's a strange construct
> > that makes no sense, but actually it sometimes give a speed improvement.
> >
> > This is because any index contains only the data used in it and if the query
> > doesn't require getting additional data from the table it was created for,
> > sqlite only reads this index and nothing else.

Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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