Hi all sqlite users,
I'm using Sqlite for an application using 150 Mb databases running on
an embedded device (Honeywell Dolphin 9900) into an OSGi Java context.
I must give some real clues to my customers to fine tune Sqlite, so I
discovered among different ways to have better results PRAGMAs...
I wrote an OSGi application used to inject set of configurations and
running different tests : inserts, inserts into many transactions,
read, may be different threads in the future...
It could work fine but it seems that most  sets of configurations used
induce null connections...
Example given I can have connections with SYNCHRONOUS_MODE but I can't
turn off JOIURNAL_MODE neither set the SHARED_CACHE and set the
READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation level...
So I wondered if theer was an (un)official matrix of (un)compatible PRAGMAs...

I am using for my benchmark demo the Xerial JDBC driver (layer above
org.sqlite JDBC driver)

Thanks for your feedback
kind regards

J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles
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