Bill, Andrew, PA Newsgroups et al.,

Would you be willing to invest in a subscription for a compiled, signed,
non-Debug, Windows-deployed SQLite DLL with resource information? We would
consider compiling and hosting the files for you. In addition, we could
offer improved stemming (multiple languages) as well as encrypted and/or
compressed databases.


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Roger Binns <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 25/06/12 23:38, Andrew Rondeau wrote:
> > Because my time is valuable;
> I'm still baffled why you think adding one source file to your project is
> a huge undertaking, but somehow getting a "community" going, debating how
> you want things, fiddling around, testing, waiting for releases to
> packaged differently etc is not.
> > For example, if I make a Mac application, I can target the SQLites
> > shipped with Mac. Problem solved, my valuable time can go to something
> > else.
> Except the version of SQLite differs between MacOS releases so you have to
> code and test against different revisions of the SQLite library.  Or you
> include one file statically into your app and it is the only one you have
> to test against.  And it can be the same version as you use on other
> platforms lessening the development and testing even more.
> Of course you don't have to listen to the several people who have
> repeatedly been telling you that what you wanted is the most time
> consuming and most brittle way of doing things.  However you will note
> that so far there have been zero people clamouring to form some sort of
> community for what you stated.  Good luck!
> Roger
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