Thank you everyone who took the time to comment on my Windows DLL  question.
I'm also glad I'm not the only one who sees the problem with not  having 
the version in the resource block. This really would have helped when  Chrome 
and Firefox updated to a new version of SQLite and all my code stopped  

I have considered just finding the code I need, stripping it out  and 
compiling it as a static part of my code. That's a great suggestion but as I  
said, my main app is only 400 KB. I'd really like to keep it that way. I pride  
myself in the size and performance of my app. I suspect I'm one of the few  
Windows security apps still using plain C and a little assembly code.
I do realize and appreciate the public domain source is available. My best  
option is recompiling the DLL but since the project and make files aren't  
designed for Visual Studio it will require time that like everyone her I  
cherish. Creating a new build also requires me to follow an extensive test 
plan.  I do a complete test plan even if I make a simple text change. Having 
the  DLL out in the public being used by thousands beats any test plan. 
Luckily,  SQLite isn't a major part of my app so I guess I'll try this if the 
consortium  doesn't consider our suggestions.

Thank you to everyone who  participated.
Bill Pytlovany

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