Joining the throng, here are my requests:
a) Either an ORDER BY clause/equivalent for GROUP BY, or an assurance that the
kludge of sorting a sub-query first and then grouping the result does and will
continue to work - I need this functionality.
b) A separate mailing address for documentation corrections - I see so many
typos but it doesn't seem worth spamming the whole list to request an apostrophe
be added or two letters be exchanged.
c) A vote for RANK, but I'm doing that in my application at present, post-SQL
but before printing. I know you can generate 1,2,3=,3=,5 type sequences from
self-joins but it seems a lot easier to do it in Delphi!

BTW I am having a great deal of enjoyment with SQLite in my application, which
is a scoring database for card tournaments in New Zealand. I know it's small
compared to some of the monsters I've seen described here, but I have 38 tables
and 54 views in my schema, with 400-ish players and over 2800 score records in
the national euchre tournament DB.

Len Chisholm.

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