On Tuesday, 12 January, 2016 13:58, Christian Schmitz <realbasiclists at 
monkeybreadsoftware.de> said:

> Unless I missed something, I may suggest

> * moveprev
> * movefirst
> * movelast
> * move to record in cursor with given index

There are no relational database engines on the market that can do this.  Those 
that *appear* to be able to do this are using some sleight of hand, either 
entirely on the client side (most common), or using some "server side 
assistance" so that the result set does not have to be cached in its entirety 
on the client.

Server side assistance was developed because of the propensity, once the client 
side feature was made "built-in", of the great unwashed to do things like 
"select * from customers;" and use the resulting client side cursor to scroll 
through the 200 million customer records with their 6 line GUI.  Needless to 
say, performance was somewhat suboptimal to say the least.  If you have ever 
used DSA.MSC to browse an Active Directory domain containing a billion objects 
then you know exactly what I mean.

Generally speaking, you have the choice of "server side" or "client side", 
either "complete set" or "keyset".  Client-Side Complete Set works as per the 
above -- the result set is sent into a row cache on the client, and the 
application fiddles with this rowset to make it look like you are going forward 
and backward (though you are not).  There is no further involvement of the 
database server.  Server-Side Set works the same way but the result set is 
cache in a temp table on the server indexed by ordinal position of the result 
row.  Magically created queries against this temp table make it look like you 
are scrolling the result set.

Keyset driven scrollable cursors work in similar fashion, except that instead 
caching the entire result row, only the primary keys of the source data rows 
are saved in the cache, with the same ordinal position primary key.  This 
keyset is stored on either the client-side or the server-side (in a temp 
table).  By the client submitting the correct queries, it can be made to appear 
that you have a scrollable cursor.  The advantage of a keyset is twofold -- it 
is often smaller than the full result set, and since it contains the primary 
keys of the underlying tables, one can do an UPDATE sourcetable ...WHERE 

By design a Relational DBMS only has a concept of a result set and is not 
navigable except through artifice and trickery.  If you want a navigable 
database they you want either a Hierarchical, Network, or Network Extended 
database model, not relational.

> Looping over a recordset twice is often useful.

Simply resubmit the original query.  If you need repeatable read, do both 
inside the same transaction.

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