> https://www.sqlite.org/whentouse.html :

I am currently relying on SQLite as main database engine for blockchain
explorers, that's usually between 1 and 2 millions http queries per day,
pretty much all of them hitting more than 60 GB of SQLite databases. There
is a mix of simple table queries, complex joins and extensive
aggregation/statistics queries.

This is kind of a sweet spot for SQLite WAL: the data is queried and
updated all the time, but with only one updater task. Performance is very
good, better than what I see from client/server DB under much lighter
loads. And the latency is just excellent: simple queries run in a matter of

And while it may not be fashionable to say so, I really like the SQL in
SQLite :)
There is no query that cannot be performed efficiently and with little
code. Worst that happens is you need a new index or a few temporary tables
to breakup a complex query in several simpler steps.

I would say SQLite is perfectly suited for "front line" web servers that
serve, present and generally make accessible live data coming from other


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