Hi Dr. Hipp, group,

> In a feeble effort to do "marketing",

I am sure that nothing you do is "feeble"!

> I have revised the "Appropriate
> Uses For SQLite" webpage to move trendy buzzwords like "Internet of
> Things" and "Edge of the Network" above the break.  See:

Nothing wrong with TLAs (some would call them FTLAs :-) )

>     https://www.sqlite.org/whentouse.html

> Please be my "focus group", and provide feedback, comments,
> suggestions, and/or criticism about the revised document.   Send your
> remarks back to this mailing list, or directly to me at the email in
> the signature.

I will preface anything I say by saying that I have done very little with
SQLite - I ran Bugzilla (compiled from source) with it once - great
for passing bugs around and other bits and pieces (College projects
and such).

I have however always been impressed by SQLite's ability to
squeeze a lot into a small package - SQLite punches well
above its weight!

Take a look here (at slide 13)

I think that using SQLite as the db server (where SQLite is effectively the
VoltDB engine) in a VoltDB scenario, putting database requests into some
sort of queue - each transaction runs to completion, (thus eliminating
latching, locking, buffering, recovery (undo/redo) - which Stonebraker feels
to be useless "work") might be something worth examining.

There was another thread about
"The only thing I'd change about SQLite is the SQL bit.".

Now, I'll readily confess that I didn't grasp everything, but it seems
to me that this is starting to go down the route of separate storage
engines (? la MySQL). I don't think this is a good idea - SQLite
(Doh! look at the name) does SQL - when something better comes along,
then let it do that, but it should IMHO remain true to that.

Respectfully submitted.


> D. Richard Hipp


linehanp at tcd.ie

Mob: 00 353 86 864 5772

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