[17-01-22 16:26:14.7094] Slim::Control::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error (1676) 
Error: While retrieving [http://www.mysqueezebox.com/api/myapps/v1/opml]: [A 
mysqueezebox.com account is required for this service. Please access Logitech 
Media Server Sett
  ings -> mysqueezebox.com with a web browser to configure.]

Do you want to use any mysb.com based services?

So, I finally decided to enter my SN account logon and password.
Immediately after clicking "Apply", the log goes completely bananas

Did it go bananas right after you entered the username/password? Or did it take a little longer?

  [17-01-22 22:18:58.2696] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359) Unable to get 
players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, retrying in 3600 seconds
  [17-01-22 22:19:00.1995] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359) Unable to get 
players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, retrying in 4500 seconds
  [17-01-22 22:19:02.1994] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (561) 
Unable to login to SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

Ok, I think I see a new pattern where the requests might come from. I'll look into this.


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