oyvindo wrote: 
> Oh, I agree. The Docker solution is superb.
> I too have a "retired" TS-119 still running and with LMS installed, but
> not running anymore.
> My favorite combination though is the Philippe's Castbridge plugin which
> I use with  different ChromeCast devices I have around the house. The
> sound quality from a ChromeCast Audio is surprisingly good.
> What I am struggling with now, is how to make a run-time snapshot of
> docker containers for backup.
> Oy

Interesting... after a bit of a read up on Docker, which has still left
me a complete newby on containers so I could be wrong, but it seems
Export Container from within Docker should copy the r/w container layer
as well as the read only layers and thus in my understanding an import
of that back into a new container should re-create the container with
all the changes made to set LMS up on the original container.
I've not tried using the Docker commands from within, but QNAP's
Container Station export and import tools do not do this, export
container and then import back in gives you a fresh install of LMS in
the new container. When I get a chance I'll have a further play, but
I've hit a show stopper for me... 
I can't get Shairtunes working in my LMS Docker, there's some chatter
but no definitive solution on this in Phillipe's Shairtunes thread and
it's to do with the version of perl, 5.18 in the Larsks LMS Docker image
and Shairtunes needs 5.20, I've tried upgrading perl within the docker
but it fails (and I'm back in way over my head again). So back off to to
Docker hub to see if I can find an LMS Docker image with a suitable
version of perl and/or Shairtunes already installed.


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