digimaster wrote: 
> First of al at installation, what did it tell you. Second try to restart
> it from the qnap appcentre, look inside the log of the QNap nas. And
> look in the QNap forum how to acces a SSH shell.

Thanx for replying and help Digimaster ;-)

At installation: 
After adding https://www.qnapclub.eu/nl/repo.xml on the tab 'app
repository'  of the AppCenter, I don’t see the QnapClub Repository
within the Qnap AppCenter.
The last picture of the installation guide at
https://www.qnapclub.eu/en/howto/1 is not clear to me what icon I should
get in the App Center

I installed QLogitechMediaServer version
LogitechMediaServer_2.25.00_x86.qpkg from
After installation I get the warning at port 9001 : “404 Not Found – The
requested URL was not found on this server”

In the Log file, I' find an error log and an info log: 
1) squeezeboxserver QLogitechMediaServer
start[QLogitechMediaServer] error: QLogitechMediaServer is disabled in
the appstore, or is not installed !
1) squeezeboxserver QLogitechMediaServer
start[QLogitechMediaServer] info: LogitechMediaServer 8.2.1-1639114554
is started in the Background on [9237] !

Thnx for help in advance!
Kind regards, Freek

Freek's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=63217
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108702

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