rienm wrote: 
> I just updated Qlogitechmediaserver to…25. Same as Freek had. I
> really do not know how to find the QlogitechMediaServer.log but I tried
> ports 9001 to 9011… no result. Please help me, I am just a user.
> What can I do to keep on using my Logitech touch….
> thanks, Rien

1) Allready installed the latest QTS Firmware on your NAS?

2) Download and install Putty on your laptop/PC and connect through SSH
with your Nas via NAS-IP and port 22
Start Putty with User: admin and Pasword = MAC Adres without
hyphens. 00-1B-44-11-3A-B7 becomes 001B44113AB7 (Case sensitive!)
You can find the MAC adres of your NAS on the sticker ath the back
of on your NAS or use QFinder Pro
- See YouTube for Putty Tutorials-

3) Quit the menu

4) Do -Case sensitive!-
cd .. > [Enter] 
cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer [Enter] 
./QLogitechMediaServer.sh restart [Enter]  

Now look at messages that appear. Could be that LMS is on a other
port than 9001

Alternative of step 4 is 
4a) cd .. > [Enter] 
cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer [Enter]
tail QLogitechMediaServer.log [Enter]

Now look in the log which portnumber is mentioned

Freek's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=63217
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108702

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