Hi Geoff,
     You are correct again.
      I suggest one of Asters best kept secrets is their paint, prep and 
applications methods. And certainly a standard other suppliers need to 
equal. However Asters touch up paint as supplied, is too thick to blend, 
and I understand that the only usable thinner is Trichlorethylene with 
nasty fumes, not conducive to a long life!. It is, I believe now an OSHA 
no-no in USA. I tried to obtain some, to touch up several hairline 
scratches on a U1 for a friend of mine, but have not had any luck.
       Tony D.
     06:30 PM 7/31/02 -0700, Geoff Spenceley wrote:
>  Dear Tony et al,
>Tch, Tch
>You wrote:
> >      Details sound good. Especially if they copied the sight
> >glass/pressure gauge (gage) layout from my Duchess!.
>Hope they didn't copy the paint job!!!!--you asked for it!
>You wrote again:
> >      I think a better improvement would have been if they had replaced the
> >"prototypical" reverser screw jack with a "quandrant lever" to give better
> >and faster access for adjusting the cut-off and immediate reversing
> >movement. Also would have helped considerably when converting to R/C.<<
>Absolutely!! my reverser on those screw jack locos is the hand of God!
>You wrote again, again:
> >      I like the idea of "external" lubrication adjust feature. Does this
> >have a drip sight glass also?<
>Yer right.----but the drip sight glass?- I'm the only drip around here!
>More info when I get the loco and more pints!
>Stay with it List! Wonder how many are  getting the Flying Scotsman and are
>there any comments--especially from you Brits or Aussies? who may already
>have them up and steaming? I realise many of you have kits--I'm deviating
>this time and getting the built-up.  It had better steam as well as my
>kits!!  Ho, Ho, you say!!!!

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