On Sun, 2008-03-30 at 01:16 +0100, Johannes Wagener wrote:
> Further explanation comes here:
> We want to do dynamic Web Services over XMPP. For certain reasons we 
> explain in the XEP we think neither SOAP over XMPP nor Jabber-RPC is
> the way to go. We think future asynchronous Web Services can be best 
> implemented with the session based Ad-Hoc Commands XEP-0050.

I can easily see the need for such a protocol. Looking at Data Forms in
there is no real way of transporting XML data. There are quite a few
applications that can make better use of transporting XML with Ad-Hoc
commands instead of resorting to complex things like SOAP and the rest.

In general, lot of the things that hover around xmpp are more geared
towards the IM side of xmpp, while there are kinds of needs too.
Addressing the need to do Ad-Hoc command with program data is a good


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