On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:45 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:

However, there's an interesting middle ground - Kurt's recent I-D outline about subordinate accounts (it's an alternate proposal to Dirk's certificate handling, and truth be told I've not yet read it, so I'm merely guessing what it says) could mean that users might configure their mobiles with a subordinate account which had a different default roster view.

While my I-D is about multiple passwords for a single authcid, I do note that it would be good to allow the user to restrict the use to a particular resource ... and hint this could enable more sophisticated per-resource processing.

That means that in some respects, the accounts are indeed different, or at least, can be treated so, whereas in other respects, they're the same account.

Yes, I think there lots of interesting and useful per-resource processing that could be done....

-- Kurt

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