On 2012-08-09 17:09, XMPP Extensions Editor wrote:
Version 0.7 of XEP-0301 (In-Band Real Time Text) has been released.

Abstract: This is a specification for real-time text transmitted in-band over 
an XMPP session.

Changelog: Simplifications and grammatical corrections. Some sections (1, 6.2, 
6.4) shortened with simpler language. (MDR)

Diff: http://xmpp.org/extensions/diff/api/xep/0301/diff/0.6/vs/0.7

URL: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0301.html

Very good to see many of the discussed issues resolved in version 0.7.
Here are my findings in reviewing version 0.7.

1.   4.2.3 id
The text should start with a description of what function this attribute supports.

Insert after the title:
"The id attribute is used to enable real-time correction of the last completed message."

Insert the title of XEP-0308
XEP-0308 Last message correction

2.  4.2.3 id
On second line. Reception must always be supported if both 0308 and 0301 are supported. c/MUST use this attribute if/MUST support reception of this attribute, and MUST transmit this attribute if/

3.   6.2.1 Activation guidelines

Can we really accept the weak indication that discovery is recommended? I think it shall be mandated.

c/Before sending real-time text, it ispreferable for a sender client to/Before sending real-time text, a sender client SHALL/

4. Section 1, intro, last bullet point, to make the description of REACH112 correct.: c/A component within Total Conversation, used byReach112 <http://www.reach112.eu/>[4 <http://www.marky.com/realjabber/xep/xep-0301.xml#nt-idp11206912>] in Europe, an accessible emergency service with real-time text./The real-time text component within Total Conversation, for example used byReach112 <http://www.reach112.eu/>[4 <http://www.marky.com/realjabber/xep/xep-0301.xml#nt-idp11206912>] in Europe, a project for accessible communication services including emergency service.

5. Section 4.1 Example 1 should have a more natural distribution of letters in the different <rtt/> elements, appearing from the transmission in regular intervals as specified in section 4.1. This comment has been made from different sources a number of times.

6. 4.7 Third paragraph. Language correction. This is an enumeration of only two elements. Connect them with or instead of comma:
s/messages, incorrect/messages or incorrect/

7. Appendix G:
4 s/Reach112: European emergency service with real-time text./Reach112: European accessible communication and emergency service project with total conversation including real-time text./

8.  4.1 xml:lang
Describe explicit or implicit use of the xml:lang attribute similarly as it is described for <body/> in RFC 6221. This attribute can introduce alternative language variants of the text in messages and other elements.
The use is described in RFC 6221.
For XEP-0301 it would be natural to offer the same opportunity to provide the alternative languages in the same message.

This would at least go into section 4.2 RTT attributes and <t/> element

Each language will have its own editing elements and values, so the xml:lang attribute should be on the <rtt/> level.

I propose insertion a new subsection in 4.2
4.2.4 Language
Multiple instances of the <rtt/> element MAY be included in a message stanza for the purpose of providing alternate versions of the same real-time text, but only if each instance possesses an 'xml:lang' attribute with a distinct language value (either explicitly or by inheritance from the 'xml:lang' value of an element farther up in the XML hierarchy, which from the sender's perspective can include the XML stream header as described in RFC 6220 [ ]). The support for language variants SHALL follow the principles of support for language variants in message bodies specified in RFC 6221[ ].

This example provides a small part of real-time text in the default language English and the alternative language Check.

<message from='jul...@example.com/balcony'
 id='z94nb37h' to='ro...@example.net' type='chat' xml:lang='en'>
  <rtt xmlns='urn:xmpp:rtt:0' seq='89002'><t>tho</t></rtt>
  <rtt xmlns='urn:xmpp:rtt:0' seq='32304'xml:lang='cs'> <t>ty</t></rtt>

The second line from the bottom of 4.1 should be changed from
"There MUST NOT be more than one <rtt/> element per <message/> stanza."
"There MUST NOT be more than one <rtt/> element per language variant in each <message/> stanza."

10. Appendix A, dependencies need updating.
Dependencies: now only contain XMPP Core and XEP-0020.
XEP-0020 seems not to be used anymore, but at least XMPP IM, XEP-0030, XEP-0085, XEP-0115, XEP-0308

Appendix A, dependencies,
s/XMPP Core, XEP-020/XMPP Core, XMPP IM XEP-0030, XEP--0085, XEP-0115, XEP-0308/

11. Appendix A. A short name should be assigned.
Some possible short names:
rtt, xmpp-rtt, real-time-text, xmpp-real-time-text


12. Chapter 1, 5th bullet point
This point refers to a brand name AOL. I am not used to see brand name references in standards. I would guess that that tradition applies to XEPs.

if so:
s/TheReal-Time IM <http://help.aol.com/help/microsites/microsite.do?cmd=displayKC&externalId=223568>[3 <http://xmpp.org/extensions/diff/api/xep/0301/diff/0.6/vs/0.7#nt-id142547>] featurefound in AOL Instant Messenger./A real-time text feature found in some instant messaging systems./

13. Section 4.4, second line

s/This interval meets/This interval provides an opportunity to meet/

[motivation] The F.700 requirement is for end-to-end latency ( that provides the human experience). We cannot guarantee network delay. Therefore the interval is set so that there is a good opportunity to meet the requirements in most network conditions.

14. Section 4.2.3 id
It has just been revealed in the XEP-0308 discussions that there may be cases when the id is not recognized by the receiver. It may be a just logged on receiver, or it may be a MUC server modifying id. Therefore add caution for that situation.

Add last in 4.2.3:
If 'id' is not recognized but a 'reset' with 'id' received by a receiver, the contents should be accepted anyway and presented as a correction.

15. Section 6.1.3.

s/It is acceptable for senders with bursty output to immediately transmit word bursts of text without buffering./It is acceptable for senders with bursty output to immediately transmit word bursts of text without buffering as long as the time between transmissions is not shorter than the intended transmission interval./

Extra caution needs to be added so that a bursty output sender does not overwhelm a receiver or the network with too frequent packets. Text sources such as speech-to-text and cut and paste can produce more than one word per 700 ms and may therefore need to transmit more than one word per packet.

16. Section 6.2.1 Activation.
Close to the end of this section, there is a sentence saying:
"It is inappropriate to send any further <rtt/> elements, until support is confirmed".

I wonder if there are any one-to-many situations with a very large number of recipients when it is not appropriate to expect answers from all recipients.

If so, this sentence should be deleted.

17. Section 6.2.1 and 6.6.2 Missing reference to XEP-0085

There are three references to XEP-0085, none of them have the customary reference to the reference list and a link to the document.
One is in section 6.2.1, two are in section 6.6.2

[proposal] add reference to [18]

18. Section 6.4.4  "Basic real-time text.
This is an odd way of transmitting real-time text by sending the whole real-time message in each transmission. I doubt that it should be included in the specification. The title is misleading. The specification does not need to describe all odd ways to use the protocol. Implementers usually invent such ways anyway, and may use them as long as they are within the limits of the protocol.

If this way to transmitting real-time text has many disadvantages.
It implies a risk that each rtt message gets very long. Thus it should not be used with short transmission intervals. Wait elements cannot be used, so for usable presentation it will rely on receiving clients implementing time smoothing instead of keypress interval presentation, otherwise the presentation will be unpleasantly jerky. Time smoothing was mandated in early versions of this specification but is just mentioned in this version, with no indication that there are situations like this when it is essential for usability.

[proposal 1] Delete the section.

[proposal 2] if deletion is not accepted, rename section 6.4.4 to "Retransmission of the changing real-time message."

19. Section 6.5 Receiver guidelines
Version 0.1 of this specification had in its "Receiver guidelines" section the following point.

"If support for the <w> element is not possible, receiving software SHOULD use an alternate text-smoothing method, such as time-smoothed progressive output of received text."

This recommendation is not included in version 0.7. There are a couple of very vague indications elsewhere that smoothing is possible, but no clear recommendation. Display of gradually growing text at 700 ms intervals create an annoyingly jerky impression. Some smoothing is needed.

Reinstate the sentence last in section 6.5 adapted to the current guideline language of that chapter:

"If support for the <w/> element is not possible, receiving clients are recommended to use an alternate text-smoothing method, such as time-smoothed progressive output of received text."

20. Section 4.3.1 Wrong reference
Section 4.3.1 says that <body/> is defined in XMPP CORE. It is instead defined in XMPP IM [10]

Change reference to XMPP CORE [9] in 4.3.1   to  XMPP IM [10]


Gunnar Hellström

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