On 2012-07-10 17:32, Mark Rejhon wrote:
The only one I'd be cautious about is that 6.4.3 needs to be a distinct section; because it is less confusing to vendors trying to transmit from key press events; that way they can understand the "gotchas" of doing that (i.e. missed autospell fixes, missed copy+paste events, etc.) ... I've gotten feedback that gave an excellent rationale for 6.4.3 being part of 6.4

I found it strange, that 6.4 intended to be about real-time methodologies, and then 6.4.3 tells about a non-recommended method, but does not tell what to do instead. ( that is found in 6.4.4. )

I did want to start the advice in 6.4 subsections with something positive to follow in the normal case. Therefore 6.4.4 with added precaution in the beginning about why not using keypresses seemed to cause the best flow.

But if you want, you could start with 6.4.4, changing a little in the beginning so that it does not refer to something earlier discussed.

then follow on with 6.4.3 and add a conclusion at the end "Therefore it is better to use change detection instead of keypresses."

Then 6.4.1 and 6.4.2


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