
Regarding the example in 4.1, I agree with Gunnar. The first example gives
the wrong initial impression by sending only complete words in the <rtt/>.
(It made me go and double check how the protocol worked.)

I suggest that we keep the first <rtt/> as is, but slightly change the
second and third <rtt/> text contents to:

*<t>my J**</t>*




This retains the readability but also shows that the <rtt/> is sent
independently of word boundaries.


Barry Dingle
Fixed - +61(0)3-9725-3937    Mob - +61(0)41-911-7578
Fellow of University of Melbourne, Electrical and Electronic Eng.,
> Apple + Linux + Open Source software

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 1:29 AM, Mark Rejhon <> wrote:

> [ Real-Time Text at ]
> Hello Gunnar,
> Thanks very much for the minor corrections to XEP-0301.  I have queued
> your edits.  My present judgement is that your edits are safely queued
> until LC, however, I'd like comments from other key XSF members:
> ....There is ONE bullet meriting further discussion.  Talk related to
> section 6.2 Activation/Deactivation.  Especially if
> Kevin/Peter/M&M/etc has major comments about section 6.2 ... though
> Kevin says it didn't need to be relocated to a "Business Rules"
> section, and therefore is okay where it is for LC, I'm told.  But does
> M&M disagree, for example?
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 10:13 PM, Gunnar Hellström
> <> wrote:
> > 1.   4.2.3 id
> > The text should start with a description of what function this attribute
> > supports.  Insert after the title:
> > "The id attribute is used to enable real-time correction of the last
> completed message."
> [Minor Clarification Change]
> Good suggestion. I'll queue this edit till LC.
> (unless a 0.8 is warranted prior, e.g. comments from m&m/peter/kevin et
> cetra)
> > Insert the title of XEP-0308
> > XEP-0308 Last message correction
> > 2.  4.2.3 id
> > On second line. Reception must always be supported if both 0308 and 0301
> are
> > supported. c/MUST use this attribute if/MUST support reception of this
> attribute, and
> > MUST transmit this attribute if/
> [Minor Clarification Change]
> Clients that support incoming corrections don't necessarily do
> outgoing corrections. Therefore, a different change is better:
> c/clients MUST use this attribute if/clients MUST support this
> attribute in situations where/
> I'll queue this edit, too.
> > 3.   6.2.1 Activation guidelines
> >
> > Can we really accept the weak indication that discovery is recommended?
> I think it shall be mandated.
> >
> > Proposal:
> > c/Before sending real-time text, it is preferable for a sender client
> > to/Before sending real-time text, a sender client SHALL/
> [Comment]
> Peter told me that RFC2119 normatives do not belong in "Implementation
> Notes".
> Therefore, if RFC2119 is used, the whole section 6.2 would
> automatically need a relocation upwards closer to "Protocol" instead
> of "Implementation Notes".
> I'm open to suggestions by others, such as moving to a "Business
> Rules" section (just below "Discovering Support" and above
> "Implementation Notes")  However, Kevin of XSF said that it is fine
> where it is.  However, I agree this is an item meriting some
> discussion, though I'm not 100% sure if this needs to be addressed
> before LC.
> (Comments from others?  Does it?)
> Section 6.2:
> > 4. Section 1, intro, last bullet point, to make the description of
> REACH112
> > correct.:
> > c/A component within Total Conversation, used by Reach112 [4] in Europe,
> an
> > accessible emergency service with real-time text./The real-time text
> > component within Total Conversation, for example used by Reach112 [4] in
> > Europe, a project for accessible communication services including
> emergency
> > service.
> [Minor Clarification Change]
> Thanks for the Reach112 clarification.  I'll queue this edit, too.
> > 5. Section 4.1 Example 1 should have a more natural distribution of
> letters
> > in the different <rtt/> elements, appearing from the transmission in
> regular
> > intervals as specified in section 4.1. This comment has been made from
> > different sources a number of times.
> [Comment]
> I already mentioned that the existing example is more readable to a
> wider variety of less experienced people.  The smart people (like us)
> will figure it out just fine, and the other examples illustrate this
> already.   I'm going to cater for the majority here.
> > 6. 4.7 Third paragraph. Language correction. This is an enumeration of
> only
> > two elements. Connect them with or instead of comma:
> > s/ messages, incorrect/ messages or incorrect/
> [Minor Grammar]
> Thanks, I'll queue this edit, too.
> Note that "e.g." represents partial list of examples, and
> automatically assumes "etc." at the end.  So there are other
> situations as well, so it's not just two.  Even though only two are
> listed.
> > 7. Appendix G:
> > 4 s/ Reach112: European emergency service with real-time text./ Reach112:
> > European accessible communication and emergency service project with
> total
> > conversation including real-time text./
> [Minor Clarification Change]
> Thanks for the Reach112 clarification.  I'll queue this edit, too.
> > 8.  4.1 xml:lang
> > Describe explicit or implicit use of the xml:lang attribute similarly as
> it
> > is described for <body/> in RFC 6221.
> > This attribute can introduce alternative language variants of the text in
> > messages and other elements.
> > The use is described in RFC 6221.
> > For XEP-0301 it would be natural to offer the same opportunity to provide
> > the alternative languages in the same message.
> > This would at least go into section 4.2 RTT attributes and <t/>
> > element
> >
> > Each language will have its own editing elements and values, so the
> xml:lang
> > attribute should be on the <rtt/> level.
> >
> > I propose insertion a new subsection in 4.2
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 4.2.4 Language
> > Multiple instances of the <rtt/> element MAY be included in a message
> stanza
> > for the purpose of providing alternate versions of the same real-time
> text,
> > but only if each instance possesses an 'xml:lang' attribute with a
> distinct
> > language value (either explicitly or by inheritance from the 'xml:lang'
> > value of an element farther up in the XML hierarchy, which from the
> sender's
> > perspective can include the XML stream header as described in RFC 6220 [
> > ]). The support for language variants SHALL follow the principles of
> support
> > for language variants in message bodies specified in RFC 6221[   ].
> >
> > This example provides a small part of real-time text in the default
> language
> > English and the alternative language Check.
> >
> > <message from=''
> >  id='z94nb37h' to='' type='chat' xml:lang='en'>
> >   <rtt xmlns='urn:xmpp:rtt:0' seq='89002'><t>tho</t></rtt>
> >   <rtt xmlns='urn:xmpp:rtt:0' seq='32304' xml:lang='cs'> <t>ty</t></rtt>
> >  </message>
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > The second line from the bottom of 4.1 should be changed from
> > "There MUST NOT be more than one <rtt/> element per <message/> stanza."
> > to
> > "There MUST NOT be more than one <rtt/> element per language variant in
> each
> > <message/> stanza."
> [Comment]
> My judgement is I'm going to leave this out because it is a
> non-typical case of real-time text.  People aren't going to send
> multiple languages simultaneously, as people can't type in more than
> one language simultaneously.   It is an edge case that would be useful
> for things like European Union transcriptions and/or United Nations
> transcriptions.   From what I can see, this edge case is easily
> handled simply either by having separate <threads> for each language
> (already recommended in last sentence of section 4.6) .... Each thread
> can easily separately use one "xml:lang" each -- harmlessly -- without
> xml:lang ever needing to be specified in XEP-0301 itself.     Heck,
> it's also possible to use separate nicknames for each languges, or
> separate MUC rooms for each language, "TranscriptEN", "TranscriptFR",
> etc.  There's many solutions to cover the rare edge case of multiple
> simultaneous language transcripts.
> I feel that this is:
> (1) This is an ultra-rare edge case;
> (2) This edge case does not warrant inflating the spec by 1/2 a page.
> (3) The problem can be solved without things this way.
> (4) It's simpler and more backwards compatible for clients to take
> advantage of multiple languages, using the above method already
> recommended within XEP-0301.  Other techniques are possible too (e.g.
> multiple nicks, multiple MUC rooms, etc) for multiple concurrent
> languages.
> (5) xml:lang can be used already, in the simpler and more backwards
> compatible manner
> I am thinking that many others would agree that XEP-0301 can more
> easily already be used with multiple languages (and without
> complicating the spec for a majority), in a different manner.  On top
> of it, the techniques you describe is more complicated than
> alternative methods of multiple-language transcripts.  I would suspect
> that even Kevin (who originally suggested you were right, and maybe
> that is why you bring this up again right now), now agrees with this
> assessment.  I'd like to hear a comment from Kevin.
> Comments from others?
> > 10. Appendix A, dependencies need updating.
> > [Discussion]
> > Dependencies: now only contain XMPP Core and XEP-0020.
> > XEP-0020 seems not to be used anymore, but at least XMPP IM, XEP-0030,
> > XEP-0085, XEP-0115, XEP-0308
> >
> > [Proposal]
> > Appendix A, dependencies,
> > s/XMPP Core, XEP-020/XMPP Core, XMPP IM XEP-0030, XEP--0085, XEP-0115,
> > XEP-0308/
> [Minor Clarification Change]
> Thanks, I'll sync up the dependencies.
> However, XEP-0085 isn't a dependancy (it doesn't even need to be used
> at all), and XEP-0115 isn't needed either (if you use XEP-0030 Service
> Discovery instead).  But, yes, the dependencies still need to be
> updated.
> Note: Precedent shows that people generally typically leave out 0030
> and 0115, so I'll do the same.
> > 11. Appendix A. A short name should be assigned.
> > [Discussion]
> > Some possible short names:
> > rtt, xmpp-rtt, real-time-text, xmpp-real-time-text
> [Comment]
> See section "12. XMPP Registrar Considerations" as "urn:xmpp:rtt:0"
> The name will be based on that.
> > 12. Chapter 1, 5th bullet point
> > [Discussion]
> > This point refers to a brand name AOL. I am not used to see brand name
> > references in standards. I would guess that that tradition applies to
> XEPs.
> > if so:
> > [Proposal]
> > s/The Real-Time IM [3] feature found in AOL Instant Messenger./A
> real-time
> > text feature found in some instant messaging systems./
> [Comment]
> I kind of agree with you, though I'm divided about removing this
> entirely, because it's the only mainstream program that currently has
> real-time text, and is thus a good example. But I agree about removing
> brand names, too.  The existence of mainstream-but-proprietary support
> is also a good argument to allow the extence of an open platform
> support.   But your change is doable.  I think it's not an LC
> showstopper, though.
> > 13. Section 4.4, second line
> > s/This interval meets/This interval provides an opportunity to meet/
> > [motivation] The F.700 requirement is for end-to-end latency ( that
> provides
> > the human experience). We cannot guarantee network delay. Therefore the
> > interval is set so that there is a good opportunity to meet the
> requirements
> > in most network conditions.
> [Minor Clarification Change]
> Queue change is: "This interval makes it possible to meet"
> > 14. Section 4.2.3 id
> > [discussion]
> > It has just been revealed in the XEP-0308 discussions that there may be
> > cases when the id is not recognized by the receiver. It may be a just
> logged
> > on receiver, or it may be a MUC server modifying id. Therefore add
> caution
> > for that situation.
> [Comment]
> Good point, but I will wait until XEP-0308 is updated with handling of
> unrecognized 'id'.
> I plan to keep in sync with XEP-0308's recommendation.
> Also, this does not seem to be an issue warranting action right now,
> as reset is always accepted (one way or another) anyway.
> > [discussion]
> > Extra caution needs to be added so that a bursty output sender does not
> > overwhelm a receiver or the network with too frequent packets. Text
> sources
> > such as speech-to-text and cut and paste can produce more than one word
> per
> > 700 ms and may therefore need to transmit more than one word per packet.
> [Comments]
> All transcription engines I've seen, even with 300-400+ WPM speakers,
> tend to output in sudden phrases at a time rather than a word, so
> naturally, I will instead queue a minor edit "word or phrase bursts"
> rather than "word bursts"
> Also consider:
> (a) It will average out -- It's not harmful to have several sudden
> bursts in short periods.
> (b) I already specify a range of 300ms-1000ms.
> (c) Even that range is only a recommendation, so you can go less than
> 300ms.
> (d) Vast majority of networks today can handle a higher stanza rate
> (e) Implementers can figure out that they can optimize/combine to
> lower the stanza rate during transcription output.
> > 16. Section 6.2.1 Activation.
> > [discussion]
> > Close to the end of this section, there is a sentence saying:
> > "It is inappropriate to send any further <rtt/> elements, until support
> is
> > confirmed".
> > I wonder if there are any one-to-many situations with a very large
> number of
> > recipients when it is not appropriate to expect answers from all
> recipients.
> > If so, this sentence should be deleted.
> [Comment]
> This is only applicable to one-on-one chat, not for MUC.
> Also, there was someone complaining about unsolicited <rtt>, so the
> sentence can't be removed.
> It can be clarified or upgraded to a Business Rule, though. (with
> proper normatives and clarifications)
> However, I'll wait for general section 6.2 comments (see above)
> > 17. Section 6.2.1 and 6.6.2 Missing reference to XEP-0085
> > There are three references to XEP-0085, none of them have the customary
> > reference to the reference list and a link to the document.
> > One is in section 6.2.1, two are in section 6.6.2
> [Comment]
> Two things:
> XEP-0085 is "Chat State Notifications" ... Are you sure you are
> referring to XEP-0085?
> 1. Read again -- click the Refresh button -- the first reference is
> there (section 6.2.1)
> 2. By precedent, only the first reference is linked.  This is
> applicable for everything else (example: RFC4103, T.140 is linked only
> on the first time)
> > 18. Section 6.4.4  "Basic real-time text.
> > [discussion]
> > This is an odd way of transmitting real-time text by sending the whole
> > real-time message in each transmission.
> [Comment]
> I disagree: It is not odd;
> (1) It is one of the most useful sections in XEP-0301 because it
> illustrates that XEP-0301 is simpler than it looks;
> (2) It is very easily rapid-prototypeable.  It allows quick test
> programs/demonstratable programs in advance of full implementations.
> (3) It can be used with stream compression, to save bandwidth.  (In
> fact, if stream compression is used, it uses less bandwidth than all
> the alternatives)
> (4) Many proprietary real time text implementations, such as Bell
> IP-Relay already use retransmits as their version of real time text.
> If they don't feel like implementing the full XEP-0301, they should at
> least support basic XEP-0301 -- I am leaving the door open to that.
> (5) Clients have asked about this already.
> Yes, the loss of key press intervals is an important big disadvantage.
>  But I have already said that in that section, too.
> However, I have given extenuating rationale, of keeping this section
> (which is not odd to begin with).  For others, here's the link:
> As it illustrates an easy use of XEP-0301.  By reading this section, I
> think it is pretty clear that it warrants inclusion.
> I also prefer to keep the section title, though other good suggestions
> are welcome ("Simple Real Time Text", "Easy Real Time Text").  I don't
> want to use a more complicated title name for this.   I could add more
> text as a caveat, such as "This form of real-time text is also useful
> for quick prototypes", etc.  But    that's sounding too much of an
> implementation note.
> > [proposal]
> > Reinstate the sentence last in section 6.5 adapted to the current
> guideline
> > language of that chapter:
> >
> > "If support for the <w/> element is not possible, receiving clients are
> > recommended to use an alternate text-smoothing method, such as
> time-smoothed
> > progressive output of received text."
> [Implementation-Related Change Made]
> Thanks, I've queued this change.
> > 20. Section 4.3.1 Wrong reference
> > [discussion]
> > Section 4.3.1 says that <body/> is defined in XMPP CORE. It is instead
> > defined in XMPP IM [10]
> [Minor Clarification Made]
> Thanks, I've queued this change.
> Thanks for all your suggestions, all of which are essentially minor
> changes and mostly implementation-notes related.
> With the exception of section 6.2, which warrants further discussion
> (Kevin, M&M, Peter?)
> Thanks,
> Mark Rejhon

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