In this case, you do want the older version. That's the only version of the 
document on the wiki that discusses the installation of the metro trader client 
in the context of an STS. The Metro trader client was removed before the latest 
version of the document was written.

I'm going to look through the list archives this afternoon to find out first of 
all if we had communication working between the metro trader client and the 
.NET STS, and then if we did, what was necessary to make it happen.

- Nick Hauenstein

-----Original Message-----
From: Akopov, Sergei (GE Intelligent Platforms) [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 9:34 AM
Subject: RE: Error building java trader_client

Thanks for responding!
Yes, we need exactly an STS in the equation. The link says that this is
an old version of the page, and when I navigate to the new version, that
is exactly the page I used to do the setup for the metro version. So,
now I am confused what I should do next: undo the new version and go
through the old version setup, or I could just use the sections that are
related to trader-client?


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