I don't think that release ever made it out (due to the Sun/Oracle merger). 
Another company forked OpenSSO, and released it under the name OpenAM. OpenAM 
Snapshot 9 [1] *should* be the equivalent of OpenSSO 9 Express, but don't hold 
me to it.

We were all using a random nightly build that disappeared one day.

- Nick Hauenstein


-----Original Message-----
From: Akopov, Sergei (GE Intelligent Platforms) [mailto:sergei.ako...@ge.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 12:57 PM
To: stonehenge-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: RE: Error building java trader_client


The install list includes OpenSSO 9 Express deployment. I cannot find
the zip file on the web, does anyone have it?


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