You're right <action forward=""> is module relative (despite what it says in
the Javadoc). However, I don't see how it can used with a context relative

There is no contextRelative attribute on the action config so you don't get
to choose (or change) how your forward works.

Of the three ways of defining forwards that you identified only one,
<forward>, works flexibly with modules and that's the one that we don't ship
an action for with Struts.

SuccessAction works flexibly with modules, it's tool friendly, it's simple
to understand and its configuration is consistent with almost all other


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: August 4, 2003 7:03 AM
> To: Struts Developers List
> Subject: RE: Addition of two new actions
> Thanks for the link.  I'll respond to that message here:
> > I'm also throwing an exception if the "success" ActionForward is not
> found to make the configuration problem very clear.
> ForwardAction also throws an exception if the path is not found.
> > ForwardAction and using 'forward= ' on the ActionMapping both require a
> > context relative path.
> That's not accurate, <forward> and <action forward=""> both default to
> module relative paths.  <forward contextRelative="true"> changes the
> default.  ForwardAction itself always returns a context relative
> ActionForward but I'd rather see that changed than add a new class.
> > In addition, tools vendors may be better able to validate a regular
> > ActionFoward configuration than the ForwardAction where the path is
> > specified via the all-purpose 'parameter'. In order to validate the path
> as
> > a parameter, you require knowledge of the Action class whereas the path
> of
> > an ActionForward definition can be more easily validated. (I'm basing
> this
> > on my experience with WebSphere Studio).
> There are many ways of defining forwards:
> <action path="/" forward="/jsp/input.jsp"/>
> <forward name="foo" path="/jsp/input.jsp"/>
> <action type="o.a.s.actions.ForwardAction" path="/"
> parameter="/jsp/input.jsp"/>
> Some of these allow better path validation than others but I don't see why
> we need yet another Action class when we could just improve upon the
> existing options.
> David
> > Steve
> --- Steve Raeburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: August 3, 2003 3:02 PM
> > > To: Struts Developers List
> > > Subject: Re: Addition of two new actions
> > ...
> > > I still don't see a need for a SuccessAction in the first place.  Why
> > is
> > > it any better than using a ForwardAction?
> >
> > I did expand on my reasons, but there's been a lot of traffic so maybe
> > it
> > scrolled by:
> >
> Erik's message also adds to this.
> Steve
> >
> > David
> >
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