Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:

So we could have convenience methods such as

StrutsWebContext  scontext = (StrutsWebContext)context;
// Where ``StrutsWebContext'' is a type of ``ServletWebContext''

ActionForm form = scontext.getActionForm();
ActionMapping mapping = scontext.getActionMapping();

If we're talking about a Struts2 world (where we're willing to reconsider
the calling sequence of an Action anyway), wouldn't it be better to make
StrutsWebContext just extend WebContext instead of ServletWebContext?
That way we could have transparent support for servlets and portlets.

So instead you would make convenience method from WebContext instead
I see the `WebContext.getRequestScope()' returns a mutable map of
attribute values. In other words they are derived from

But looking at the current Struts 1.1 library would you for compatibility
reason also supply the `HttpServletRequest' object to Struts users?

HttpServletRequest = StrutsWebContext.getRequest(); // convenience method

and like wise `HttpServletResponse' object?

Another import idea is that, if we wanted, we could also add other other
convenience methods to the context without breaking the signature.

My question above.

And presumably we [as application developer] will be able to subclass
the ServletWebContext and add application features like Single Sign-On
/ Security / personalisation etcetera. We will be able to configure
Struts Module to use our custom `Context' instead of the Struts
default context.

Yep this is looking sexy.

Yep ... lots of interesting room for playing around here.  To say nothing
of the fact that you can compose your own request processor pipeline to

Moving swiftly back to the original design reason. The [old] request processor is now effectively a `Chain' isn't it?

( ... I will now continue this note at work )

Peter Pilgrim
           __ _____ _____ _____
          / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
         / /___/ // /__ / /__     +  Struts
        / // ___// ___// ___/     +  Expresso Committer
     __/ // /__ / /__ / /__       +  Independent Contractor
    /___//____//____//____/       +  Intrinsic Motivation
On Line Resume
   \\===>  `` ''

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