> Visually, I'm not a huge fan of either system's default L&F, but I don't
> dislike either of them enough to vote -1 on that basis.  My
> understanding
> is that there is some room for customization with either, though, if we
> wanted to expend the effort to manage our own L&F.
> The argument for consistency with other Jakarta subprojects
> is good in theory, but I don't see most Jakarta subproject websites
> using
> either yet -- at least for their pages on jakarta.apache.org.  It would
> also not be an issue if we ever wanted to become a top-level Apache
> project (like Maven and Ant did), versus staying under Jakarta.

I was under the impression that the blue/grey l&f was the new Jakarta
standard that sites would be moving to.  Maybe it's just the default Maven
l&f that no one ever bothered to customize.  Both the Maven and Forrest
l&f are fine with me; I'm just a big fan of consistency so if there is a
Jakarta standard we should follow it.


> Craig

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