On Sun, 7 Sep 2003, Joe Germuska wrote:
> One big gain from going to Maven is that it makes the barrier to
> working with the code very low.  Long-time committers may not
> remember so well, but it takes a fair bit of configuration to get a
> Struts build working.   Meanwhile, Maven downloads all the
> dependencies for you, and can generate IDE projects for several of
> the major IDEs (with the exception of Netbeans, I think because NB
> uses object serialization instead of text files to store project
> configurations.)
> Joe

 I'm a BIG +1 in support of Maven for build/doc for this reason. I
set up the Struts build a couple months ago, and had to reset it again,
and it was quite tedious in a few sections. GOOOO MAVEN!

Adam K.

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