----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: Editable Fields V/S Static Text
> > However, at this time, we have a Struts-el taglib in circulation. We
> > even have a Struts-faces taglib in the wings. We've definately reached
> > the point where the JSTL has to sink or swim on its own. If the
> > Community wants to use the tags, then we are bound to facilitate that
> > any way we can. Standards are essential, but community-building is the
> > Apache prime directive, and a large segment of our community is still
> > locked out of the JCP JSTL standard.
> It would be neat to build tags that extend JSTL functionality to fill in
> gaps left by the standard.  Let the JSTL do the heavy lifting and add on
> as necessary.

I think this is the mandate of the taglibs-unstandard tag library, which is
still in the sandbox.  I like the tags I see there a lot, particularly
<un:instanceOf> and <un:invoke>, although I think the tags could definitely
use some work.  The documentation is awful and last time I looked
<un:invoke> couldn't invoke methods with parameters (it could only invoke
methods without parameters).  I would love to see some of the power of
Velocity put into JSP taglibs, like the ability to use the EL-like syntax to
invoke methods.  Of course if I really want that I should probably just use
Velocity, huh? ;)

Of course at a certain point you have basically eliminated the advantage of
removing scriptlet code because your JSP tags are so sophisticated, but in
my opinion the JSTL is a lot easier to use than scriptlets because it's
easier to get at things in the pageContext, request, etc. and on the
presentation tier you often don't care about data types.

> David


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