Hello Folks,

The Liferay team is proud to announce that Liferay
Enterprise Portal 1.8 Release Candidate 2 has been
released. You can download Liferay bundled and
pre-configured with JBoss/Tomcat, JBoss/Jetty or
Orion. Or if you wish you can download the .EAR
enterprise archive file and deploy it yourself in your
favorite application server. Documentation can be
found on Liferay's website http://www.liferay.com or
the docs zip package available in the download area.
The download page is here:

Liferay is a free open-source implementation of an
enterprise portal server similar to WebSphere,
Plumtree and Epicentric. It provides personalization
features similar to Yahoo and a vast array of
pre-built portlets such as Mail, News, Shopping Cart,
Message Board, Wiki, and many more. Liferay is
intended to go in the JSR-168 Portlet API direction
once the specs are released to the community. For more
info, please visit http://www.liferay.com

For a live demo, please go to http://my.liferay.com

If you would like to get involved in the project, that
would be wonderful. Please drop us a line.

Thanks and have a nice day,
The Liferay Team

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