Dan Allen wrote:
I only ask this to see if I can make my life easier.  I have a PII
333MHz laptop with 216MB Ram and I am running Tomcat, JDK 1.4.1 and
some struts applications.  Just now it took ant 6 min 56 sec to
reload my application after making changes.  If I were to go and get
a decent Athlon XP or PIV computer, what should I expect for reload
times and compile times for a reasonable size webpage application?

This is the one thing that I regret when leaving PHP.  I spend close
to 1/8 of my day waiting for it to reload once my computer starts
swapping to disk.  Does anyone else have this issue?



We use tomcat to develop und jetty for our production system ( P4 2,2 GH with Linux). Jetty is much faster, because he can cache the tags. Tomcat is much slower in compiling and working with tags in jsp.


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