
I'm using the Struts Validator (version 1.1 release) on DynaValidatorForms.
Everything seems to work just fine on forms that don't have collections on
them.  However, several of my forms have pull-down lists where I do
something like:

<bean:define id="reasons" name="MyFormName" property="reasonCodes" />
<html:select property="selectedReason" >
        <html:options collection="reasons" property="value" labelProperty="label"

Without validation everything works perfectly.  When validation is enabled
and control returns to this form (because of invalid input), I get a null
access error for the bean:define.

Anyone else see such behavior and/or know how to fix it?

I tried using <html:optionsCollection...> instead (to eliminate the
bean:define).  However, this just results in a different error:  failed to
obtain specified collection.   Thus, I think there is a problem with
combining the three things listed in the subject.

Sorry for being so long winded - especially on a Friday!

any help appreciated,

Joe Gamache

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