Hello Alison,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 8:57:15 PM, you wrote:

AS> Dear Sundial Experts,

AS> I have recently joined this Mailing List, and hope that any members
AS> will be able to give me some assistance on the following situation.

AS> Our local Stately Home ("Kentwell Hall", Long Melford, Suffolk) is
AS> considering installing an Analemmatic sundial, as a new interactive
AS> attraction for visitors - but we are getting 'conflicting' advice,
AS> on whether this 'Human Sundial' will work in the way we want it to.

AS> We have been in discussion with "Modern Sunclocks" (apparently the
AS> acknowledged 'experts' for these features), who have told us that
AS> its central scale of dates must be aligned North/South - plus that
AS> hour markers must be correctly positioned on an elliptical ring,
AS> and which would lie on the Northern side of that scale of dates.

AS> Photographs on their website ( www.sunclocks.com ) confirm this.

AS> However, our 'Director of Operations' (Mr Phillips) absolutely
AS> INSISTS that he wants the scale to run exactly parallel with our
AS> main driveway - on a compass bearing which is about 162 degrees
AS> from North, with the hour points placed on its Southern side.

AS> He also wants the hour points to form an exact semi-circle, and
AS> not be elliptical in shape.  Mr Phillips refuses to accept that
AS> he cannot arbitrarily position the Human Sundial feature as he
AS> wishes, and says that it must be possible to create this so that
AS> it could then align with the existing layout of buildings/paths.

AS> Can anyone on this Mailing List tell me whether it is possible to
AS> install a Human Sundial to fit any existing orientations, (with
AS> appropriate re-calculation of its component parts) - or, if not,
AS> just confirm that it must be as "Modern Sunclocks" have told me.

AS> I can then show the 'weight of evidence' to Mr Phillips.  Because
AS> "Kentwell Hall" is a well-known Stately Home (open to the public),
AS> we should not want to become a 'laughing stock' by installing a
AS> feature which does not work - despite Mr Phillips assurance that
AS> "all types of sundial can be adjusted to work, in any location".

AS> Looking forward to all comments (to this List, or sent privately).

AS> Sincerely,

AS> Alison Shields.

AS> ---------------------------------------------------
AS> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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AS> http://www.eset.com

Dear Alison,

If Mr. Phillips could act "the Sun", your Human Sundial
can "fit any existing orientations".

Best regards,

Todor Todorov  ARBS


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