Andrew James wrote:

> If, instead of standing on the central "month" scale, the user finds and
> stands on or near the hour number which casts his shadow onto the
> appropriate date, the numbers might be arranged to the South rather than
> to the North of the centre. This requires more action on the part of the
> user.

Best practical suggestion I've seen yet!
It would require making the date line markers visible from a distance, or
possibly a daily (or weekly) placing of a small pylon by facility

> If the hours were not in a horizontal plane, perhaps they could be
> arranged to lie on a semicircle in some other plane - though not, I
> think, what Mr Phillips would like?

Considering the relatively (to central US) high latitude, it might not be
too extreme. Something like a ramped walkway (semi)encircling the area of
the dial face.



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