Hello Steve,

Google offer a translator (http://translate.google.com/translate_t#) , but 
I've never tried it with French,  nor with sun dial literature. I have used 
the English to Spanish translator and vice versa, and it's pretty rough to 
say the least. You can set it up in Internet Explorer or other browser 
without too much trouble.

Cheers, John

John Pickard

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve" <steve-ir...@cox.net>
To: "robic.joel" <robic.j...@wanadoo.fr>; "Sundial related list with 
international audience" <sundial@uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:32 AM
Subject: Translations


I am interested in translating email and web
pages into English.  I use as example the note
from Joel about the Castillon Dam.  The link
contained in his email is to a web page in French and so my question.

I use Eudora for mail and have receded to FireFox
version 2.00.18.  However, I have tried various
translators with several versions without much success.

My question.  Does anyone use a translation
program for email and the web, with success.


Yorktown VA


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