Bush wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Bush wrote:
Graham wrote:
Bush wrote:
I got ris of seamonkey 2.0 and went back to ver 1.1.18 and No
problems with Certificates

Having read your ranting in other threads, and not paying attention to
what you've been told (esp re user agent spoofing), I'd say you've
made the best choice - for all of us.

No one told me How I Spoofed ? So How Do you Spoof Seamonkey ?

The main thing is I went back to Seamonkey 1.1.18 and no problems

Still looking for Spoofing ...

New hard drive
New install of Win 7
New install of Seamonkey 2.0

No, NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its not the install of 2.0 that's reporting the wrong UA, its your

And I guess My install SPOOFED Mozilla's mistakes .

And Quit Adding to the problem, By telling me thing I NEVER DID .

The SOFTWARE DIDNOT install Correctly .

As far as the other post go '


Totslly useless information snipped.

I got right into it with Seamonkey 1.1.1

You got right in because the UA string which *you* reported in another
thread is incorrect. Someone, either you or someone with access to
your machine permanently changed the UA string. SeaMonkey will not do
this by itself.

SeaMonkey is not going to report a UA of an antiquated version of
Firefox without user intervention. If it was not you, it was someone
with access to your machine.

I dare you to try creating a new profile in SeaMonkey 1.1.18, and see
if you can get in.

Create this new profile, and report it back here. It *will* show the
correct UA for SeaMonkey.

I already created a new profile and it Reads the Same . I even
uninstalled 1.1.18 and Deleted all files and even wiped the folders .

And dowloaded Seamonkey 1.1.18 again and installed it .
Remade the profile . and here is what it says

SeaMonkey 1.1.18

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20090825 Firefox/

Now Tell me How you Spoof it . Where Do i type in SPOOF ?

Reply in full to NoOP's post.

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