Bush wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Bush wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 11/30/2009 06:33 PM, Bush wrote:
Graham wrote:
Bush wrote:
general.useragent.extra.seamonkey userset string firefox/


Note, *userset*!!! Note that the pref is probably in bold.

That tells us that a user has changed the default setting.

Right click on the pref and choose reset. That will set it back to the
default setting.


yes the whole line was in Bold ... Everyone in my home Has their own
computers . I am the only one who uses this one .

Could it Be that Win 7 uninstaller left seamonker 2.0 setting in the
Registry ?

look at my answer when I went to my wifes computer that has Seamonkey

I Sent her about seamonkey to me

SeaMonkey 1.1.14

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20081204 SeaMonkey/1.1.14


and the above link works on hers. I almost got Killed for waking her up.
Almost hat a tiger wood situation ..

You think I am a Dick or pulling your chain. But in No way did I So
called Spoof Seamonkey .

I admit, I am getting frustrated, but I sense we are getting some light at the end of the tunnel.

The SeaMonkey UA will say SeaMonkey 2.0.  Here is mine, note I am on a Mac:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 Lightning/1.0pre Mnenhy/ SeaMonkey/2.0

Your wife has SM 1.1.14.  I suggest updating that to 1.1.18, by the way.

The TVGuide page does seem to work without spoofing, but note Danny's original post, with the following:

"When looking and the program listing if you click on a show it will display a opening that show a description. However, in Seamonkey if just show a blank."

So, rather then just opening the page, you have to go to the program listings, then click on a show to see details. If SM has its proper UA, it will show a blank space. If it is spoofed as FF, it will work.

You, or someone using your computer did change the UA. There is no other way for this to happen. I can see how SM *might* reset to its default on its own, but there is no way it will change the UA to an antiquated version of Firefox on its own.

FF was released over two years ago. It is certainly possible that you had a problem viewing a site, were advised to reset the UA to the then current version of Firefox, and, over these more then two years, forgot that you had done it. I know that I can not certainly swear to things I did over two years ago.

Anyhow, if you reset the pref in about:config as I described elsewhere, you will find that reverting to 1.1.18 is not an answer to these kind of problems.


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