NoOp wrote:
On 01/30/2010 03:34 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
The biggest one is opening Mail/News in a tab vice a second window of
it's own - that's "integrated" and really slick, especially on a laptop,
and in particular with Spaces in Mac OS X. Saves desk real estate in a
way I wouldn't have considered until I'd actually used it. Just combine
that one feature with the ability to tab Mail as it stands now under SM
2.x.x and you've got a winner, IMO.

Actually - believe it or not - that's in our plans for the future. But
it will need a good bit of more work and is probably still quite a way
down the road.

One of the other interesting thing about Opera is that it's about:config
page has an ability built in to reset it to default - I'm not one for
fooling around in about:config, but that certainly seems a prudent
feature for someone that is...

Sounds interesting!

Robert Kaiser

No! No! No! No! No tabs in Email/ News that are enough of a PIA in the
browser. If they are I want a switch to turn them off. Has ever one gone

In Opera You can't even turn tabs completely off.  You can fix it so it
goes from window to window, but the Toolbar shows that %^&$ Tab.

Phillip; get over it, please! It's obvious that you are vehemently
against tabs... So find another browser/suite/whatever (take Rufus with
you please). You are becoming the SeaMonkey drama (no-tabs) queen
(king?). Tabs are IMO one of the *best* additions to SeaMonkey since
it's inception.

Actually, you can sort of turn tabs off in Opera simply by deselecting display of the Tab bar...but tabs rock, so why would anyone turn them off? More tabs, more better say I.

...OTOH, finding a product provider which will actually provide service and/or options to it's user base when they ask is far more important. I've learned to stop asking. It's about useless...

     - Rufus
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