On 01/30/2010 03:34 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:
> Robert Kaiser wrote:
>> Rufus schrieb:
>>> The biggest one is opening Mail/News in a tab vice a second window of
>>> it's own - that's "integrated" and really slick, especially on a laptop,
>>> and in particular with Spaces in Mac OS X. Saves desk real estate in a
>>> way I wouldn't have considered until I'd actually used it. Just combine
>>> that one feature with the ability to tab Mail as it stands now under SM
>>> 2.x.x and you've got a winner, IMO.
>> Actually - believe it or not - that's in our plans for the future. But
>> it will need a good bit of more work and is probably still quite a way
>> down the road.
>>> One of the other interesting thing about Opera is that it's about:config
>>> page has an ability built in to reset it to default - I'm not one for
>>> fooling around in about:config, but that certainly seems a prudent
>>> feature for someone that is...
>> Sounds interesting!
>> Robert Kaiser
> No! No! No! No! No tabs in Email/ News that are enough of a PIA in the 
> browser. If they are I want a switch to turn them off. Has ever one gone 
> daft?!
> In Opera You can't even turn tabs completely off.  You can fix it so it 
> goes from window to window, but the Toolbar shows that %^&$ Tab.

Phillip; get over it, please! It's obvious that you are vehemently
against tabs... So find another browser/suite/whatever (take Rufus with
you please). You are becoming the SeaMonkey drama (no-tabs) queen
(king?). Tabs are IMO one of the *best* additions to SeaMonkey since
it's inception.

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