On 2/1/2010 12:26 AM, Phillip Jones wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
On 1/31/2010 8:09 AM, Phillip Jones wrote:
Just want to keep making the point not everyone desires tabs. And make
sure us people that don't, have the ability to customize the way we
want. I may be the only one on the groups that does, but there are most
likely unspoken thousands, that share my views.


Yes. there perhaps only 1/1000's or 1/10000's of the actual users
actually frequent the newsgroups, forums and such. what opinions are
represented here, are the people that frequent here. They have no
resemble to the people that Use SeaMonkey, FireFox, ThunderBird and have
no idea these support forums are even here. Plus many ISP's and cable,
Phone Companies are going away with news servers, or even limiting
email. So there are *many* users that don't even know we exist.

So forgive me for asking the obvious, but would not it be possible to have the install routine display a notice of "our" existence? Better yet, to have it included somehow in the Help menu?

This newsgroup has invaluable information and by keeping users abreast of issues, comments and so on, shores up the interest they have in a product we love.

John Doue
support-seamonkey mailing list

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