On 23.09.2010 11:31, Phillip Jones wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

> If it doesn't do what I need then I will figure out how to add
> User-name/Password. But how does the User, the one that adds the private
> content get into a password protected  to change the content when needed.

It would be nice, rather than constantly belittling you, that someone
with the time (I don't unfortunately) can take you aside via email or
otherwise to instruct you on proper procedure, etc. for what you intend
to accomplish, etc. May also benefit you to look into pre-programmed
applications such as WordPress, Joomla, PHPnuke and so on, all of which
use CAPTCHA - User/Pass authentication and so on. Most all of my PHP
sites, including the UFAQ run with RavenNuke, very very secure and
updated regularly. See www.ravenphpscripts.com, I am on the dev team btw.

*Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion*
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