Phillip Jones wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
So what is "Googel" going to do with your association members' names?
Steal their bank accounts?

If Google owns and knows the captcha database, then it will be easy
to bypass the captcha and get private information. For example I want
to be able to put a membership list of the members of the
association: names, business names, addresses, Phones, emails for the
members to view. Now because Google owns the best Captcha software
company there is out there, there now, no secure method of doing so.

You need to explain how you were planning on using a CAPTCHA image on
the association's login page. Does it not already have a user name and a
password assigned to each member? How will a distorted image give Google
the user's password?

I have a site with exactly what you state you want to do. It's for a
club. There is a Members Only portion of the site, and nobody can enter
it without knowing a user's name and individual password. What good
would a CAPTCHA do for a page like that? Did you ever have to enter a
CAPTCHA value when you log into your bank's pages for your account

If you are *not* using name and password access, it's your fault if the
private information is compromised.

Google, nor any other search engine, cannot access my site.

there are sections of website the association wants everyone to see. But
then there would be one section the Members-Only section should be
hidden from view of Google and other items such as Yahoo , Altavista an
so on.

using a Captcha does the same thing as using a username and password
without the need for such

No, it isn't the same thing at all. You do not understand the difference and should stop talking about it until you do.

and until Google bought the leading captcha
software developer, It was as secure as having a user name and password.

"Captcha" is a technique, it is NOT some proprietary script, Web technology etc. You obviously don't have a clue what you're talking about.

The forms scripts I use that happen to use a captcha technique cannot be accessed by anyone but a human being who can read and type. Maybe one day someone will build a piece of sw that can read a jumblepd-up bunch of pixels and correctly respond to them but it isn't possible right now.

I don't care what company Google bought, it has nothing to do with the captcha technique in the scripts I use.

Once again, Phillip, you are speaking before you understand. And, in the process, spreading paranoic mis-information. Usually your mistakes are merely amusing. In this case, sorry, it's damaging and needlessly nutty.

Ed Mullen
Photons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic.
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