On 5/14/11 4:45 PM, Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
> Sat, 14 May 2011 12:40:55 -0700, /David E. Ross/:
>> In any case this worked just a week ago with SM 2.0.14.  Also, it still
>> works for sites where both the user ID and login password are entered
>> together on the same Web page.  It does not work on a site where only
>> the login password is entered by itself, where I manually entered the
>> user ID on a prior page.
> I don't experience the same - trying a simple local test remembers 
> and subsequently prefills lone password on a page just fine for me 
> using SM 2.1 RC1.  I experience the problem you describe - having 
> the username and the password stored, the password doesn't get 
> prefilled on my banking site, which is because of the issues I've 
> referred to previously, but then I experience this since SM 2.0.

Now I am confused.  You say that this problem has been plaguing you
since the very first version of SeaMonkey 2.0 (that is before SM 2.0.1).
 I did see this problem more than a year ago, but I did not see this
problem in SeaMonkey 2.0.14.

Neither of the bug reports for #354706 and #355063 really describe my
problem.  Instead, this is bug #348941.  See


David E. Ross

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