On 5/16/11 7:52 PM, JD wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> snipped to try something else<
> I found this for Firefox but it works for my SeaMonkey install so just 
> replace Firefox with SeaMonkey when it defines where to look.
> 1. Close all Firefox Windows.
> 2. Navigate to the Firefox installation folder and open the file 
> nsLoginManager.js using your favorite text editor like notepad.  In 
> general, the path should be:
> C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components\nsLoginManager.js
> 3. Search for _isAutocompleteDisabled : function (element) {.  The code 
> should look like this:
>        _isAutocompleteDisabled : function (element) {
>        if (element && element.hasAttribute("autocomplete") &&
>        element.getAttribute("autocomplete").toLowerCase() == "off")
>        return true;
>        return false;
>        },
> 4. Delete or comment the three lines after the searched line.
>        _isAutocompleteDisabled : function (element) {
>        //if (element && element.hasAttribute("autocomplete") &&
>        //element.getAttribute("autocomplete").toLowerCase() == "off")
>        //return true;
>        return false;
>        },
>        OR
>        _isAutocompleteDisabled : function (element) {
>        return false;
>        },
> 5. Save the file and close the text editor.

No.  nsLoginManager.js is now zipped into omni.jar.  I extracted
nsLoginManager.js from omni.jar, edited it to change the "return true;"
to "return false;", and reinserted the edited file into omni.jar.  It
did not help.

See my recent comments at


David E. Ross

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