Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:

That figures. Your not old enough to have problems remembering
things. As you get older you capacity to remember things gets less
and less. Not because of Dementia. But because your brain is
constantly bombarded with pieces of information to learn and
remember. The older you get some information is lost to make room for

Baloney. The human brain can remember far more than we give it credit.
As long as a piece of information is linked to other pieces of
information, it'll stick. And if you use it, it'll stick even better. I
still remember my childhood phone number, even though I haven't used it
in 30 years, because as a child I used it over and over and over. The
only reason I don't remember my friends' numbers today is that I never
dial them by hand, I rely on my phone.

I still remember it was well, but its because I still live in my childhood house and still have the same phone number.

Also memory can be affected by medicines and chemicals you take,
legit or not throughout your existence.

True enough.

I had childhood epilepsy and was given two strong medicines to control the pettit Mal seizures (you zone out don't know what your doing and continue what you were doing at the instance you had the incident.

As a result my first memory was the first year of school. (that's six years of my life I have no recollection of)

Wait another twenty years you'll find out what us older folk are
talking about.

I'm old enough, but my brain still works. Use it or lose it, you know...

Well I use it everyday. There no very many days that go by that I am not on the computer and Internet.

Check back in in 20 years see whether you have the same opinion ;-)
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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