I think you may find Midori a superior choice to Chrome.

No spying and much tighter code.

So, I've switched to Chrome. I don't particularly like it, but I'm
liking Seamonkey less and less anyway. Chrome doesn't have all the
plugins I want, but it has most of them, and despite worries about
Google tracking every moment of your life, they do actually provide ways
to stop them doing a lot of it, and there's plugins to do some of the
rest. (There's also the small matter of not running into so many sites
which say I'm not using a supported browser - businesses have quite
rapidly adopted Chrome as a supported browser for customers, and the one
I work for supports it for internal use too.)



Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
Have an http://ultrafidian.com day
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