On 7/17/2011 4:24 AM, Francesco Presel wrote:
So since, if I've understood correctly, passing from SM 2.1 to 2.2 and
so on is like it was passing from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2, couldn't add-on
developers usually just put a generic 2.* max version, and still be sure
that their extension will work, just as it happened by using a max
version of 2.0.* with the old release cycle? There will sure be some
exceptions, but I think that could work for many (I've seen that many
extensions didn't even notice the changes between 2.0 and 2.1).

Well yes and no.

Binary extensions will still need to be recompiled/rechecked.

Backend functionality can and will change, and break in the same manner that it does with Firefox.

We still will have front end, extension compat breaking changes. Though they will be fewer in number than say 2.0->2.1 Because they are restricted to what we can "do" in a 6 week period.

~Justin Wood (Callek)
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